New Perth Office

North Projects is pleased to announce the opening of our new office at Level 1, 100 Havelock Street, West Perth WA 6005. The new office strengthens our commitment and support for our Western Australian clients.
New Perth Office

In April 2016 North Projects reached another milestone with the opening of our first Western Australian office in West Perth, marking a significant point of our growth. The new office was the logical next step for the business having already built a presence in the region through the provision of Independent Certifier services to the WA PPP for Schools project between WA State Government, Macquarie Capital, Badge/Perkins consortium and Spotless since appointment in September 2015.

Our successful bid for the role was backed by significant success in delivering similar services for the Partnerships Victoria in Schools project, Victoria Comprehensive Cancer Centre and Melbourne Exhibition Centre.

As our presence in the WA region grows stronger the team at North is continuing to develop its network of relationships with clients who are eager to embrace our collaborative and holistic work style. It is our aim to demonstrate to this market as we have done elsewhere across Australia that North Projects are a firm committed to supporting our clients at all stages of their projects by providing a high quality service from conception to completion.

Contact details:
+61 8 6160 5933
